General Project Info

Intent of the Project

My plan is to provide a FRAMEWORK for (m)any possible card games played in rounds by four players.

It is written completely in JAVA because of the portability and its OO capability. So the code should be highly reusable.

Available Code

There is some code available and it works quite well. But you can only play a single round. But it still needs much refactoring and testing.

The AI

The most troubling thing is the computer AI. I have an almost working (good) AI for the "Oben", "Unten" und "Coiffeur" rules. In the last release the "Trumpf" and "Kij" rules run with the same AI but that does not work pretty good (obviously!) :-(. Have to work on that.

Basic AI Algorithm Description

 The Algorithm is based mostly on heuristics. First it collects some data and calculates 
 some indicators for predicting probabilities.
 If the AI can make the game he plays cards according to some basic Jass 
 strategy rules. Then if no strategy is convenient for the player it works 
 with the probabilities and tries to bring the partner into the game. 
 I will add a more detailed version of the Alg later... or you can ask me about it meanwhile.
The User Interface

The User Interface needs also a refactoring. The interaction through GameController is not a satisfying solution. When it comes to extending the single rounds into a whole game the architecture has to be changed dramatically.


I only have images of the "French" card deck. I need to scan the "Swiss" deck soon...